We will support NBRB, MPS pledge.

Members of Parliament on the Physical Infrastructure Committee pledged their unwavering support to the Top Management of the National Building Review Board  (NBRB) towards achieving its mandate. The MPs led by Committee Chairperson and Kigorobya County MP David Karubanga, met the NBRB officials led by the Executive Secretary, Eng. Flavia Bwire during a familiarization meeting […]

NBRB Halts Construction of Commercial Buildings at Kyadondo Ssaza grounds.

A Compliance Team from the National Building Review Board (NBRB) together with Police on Sunday carried out several operations in Kasangati Town Council, Wakiso District and Rubaga Division, Kampala, stopping a number of construction sites found in breach of the building laws and regulations. One the structures, is the commercial building located at Kyadondo Ssaza […]

Over 500 buildings condemned in Kampala

KAMPALA. Over 500 buildings in Kampala have been condemned by the National Building Review Board (NBRB) and Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), following a massive crackdown on illegal buildings in the five divisions of city. The crackdown follows a technical assessment report by the KCCA’s Physical Planning Doctorate over the last two years that found […]

Can a decision of the Building Committee or the Board be appealed?

The Building Committee can refuse to issue a building permit where a building operation my cause a change in land use, may result in degradation of the environment, may cause deprecation in value of the adjoining ore neighboring properties, may be dangerous to life or property, may result in a building which is a nuisance […]

Classification of Buildings.

Under schedule II of the Building Control Regulations, 2020, buildings are classified under class A, B and C. Class A comprises of complex structural forms, that is, public buildings, multi storeyed buildings more than 12m high, building complexes (mixture of all) such as schools, hospitals, shopping malls, buildings of high social impact or to be […]

What you need to know about Building Permits

Section 34(1) of the Building Control Act, 2013 prohibit a person to carry out any building operations unless he or she has a valid building permit issued by a Building Committee. If one contravenes this section he or she is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty currency points (shs 1,000,000) or imprisonment […]

Who is liable in case of a collapsed building?

A Twelve Year jail sentence awaits those who contravene the Building laws In the recent past the public and the media has been awashed with cases of collapsing buildings mainly in Kampala, Wakiso Mpigi and Jinja.  Taking Makindye Division in Kampala as a case study, two buildings have collapsed in the last five months with […]

What you need to know about the Building Committees.

ection 28(1) of the Building Control Act, 2013 established a building committee at each District and Urban Authority. The National Building Review Board oversees, inspects and monitors the operations of the Building committees. In case of a district, the Building Committee is composed of a Chief Administrative Officer, Town Clerk, Chairperson of the Planning and […]

The legal regime for the building sector

Just like any other sector in Uganda, the Building Sector is also well regulated through several legislations. Right from the Colonial time, the building sector was regulated through the Public Health Control Act of 1935. Specifically Cap.269 of the Act prescribed imperial standards, fines, fees and penalties and excluded some materials and construction methods that […]


With the recent surge in construction site accidents, the Ministry of Works and Transport  issued guidelines intended to govern the construction industry and protect lives. The video attached shows a building collapsing somewhere in Uganda.