Between June – July 2021 National Building Review Board (NBRB) commissioned a team of 95 graduates to collect data in the Building Industry in the Eleven Cities of Kampala, Jinja, Mbale, Soroti, Lira, Gulu, Arua, Mbarara, Masaka, Fort Portal, and Hoima.
The purpose of the survey was to acquire a better understanding of the compliance of the on-going construction sites and the complete Buildings to the Building Control Act 2013.
Completed buildings were assessed in terms of presence of Building Permission (approved Building Plans), Occupation Permits, Engagement of Professionals in the Building Operations, Presence of a maintenance Schedule, Documentation/ As-built drawings and Compliance with PWDs Requirements.
In addition Active Construction Sites were assessed in terms of presence of Building Permission (approvals of Plans), Evidence of Building permits, Engagement of Professionals during the building operation, Compliance with PWDs Requirements, Compliance with HSE requirements and Building Site operation & mgt.
Data was collected from 5,642 properties of which 3,336 were active sites while 2,306 were complete buildings and its was discovered that the overall compliance of buildings inspected stood at 22.7%.
Only 19.5% of active Construction sites met the standards. The survey found out that only 6% of these buildings had acquired Building Permits, Supervision of Buildings by professionals (6.0%), Use of PPE (0%), Hoarding of Sites (0%), and Provision of Sign Board Information (4.7%).
The limited involvement of professionals explains the chronic problems in the building industry. The perpetual non-involvement of professionals explains why buildings are collapsing;
In terms of Completed/Occupied Buildings only 25.9% met the standards with absence of maintenance plans and occupation permits being the main factors for this low percentage.
A further break down of the findings by City ranking indicated that Hoima City had the highest level of compliance (30.2%) while Lira City was at the lowest level of compliance (11.5%).
According to the Executive Secretary of NBRB, Eng. Flavia Gutto Bwire, the Board will issue the detailed findings relating the 5,642 properties inspected to the respective City Building Committees for further management, further advising City, Municipality, Town Council and District Accounting Officers through their Building Control offices and the Building Committees are to ensure compliance of all building operations in their jurisdictions to the Act
“Property developers are advised to adhere to the Act in order to avoid the potential loss life and property and we will continue providing the required oversight to ensure a Safe Built Environment” She added.
For further information pertaining to building operations, contact us through email: [email protected] or toll free line: 0800220746.
Safe Building, Better Living!